Friday, January 11, 2008

So whats goin
on with the
whole Vegas

Ok......were not talking about a month, I'm talking two and a half years! I will be attending Austin Community College for the Spring semester then its off to Texas State University. Ive maxed out in credits at ACC so will be applying for transfer in May to TSU. I've been waiting soo bad to get outta there, you have no idea.

The other day while watching ESPN's main event of the WSOP, Chad Norman was talking about how most pro's have degrees. Made me think..."hmm, why should I be any different, its probly a smart thing to do." So, after I get my Bachelor's I will then proceed to try Vegas out so that if Vegas fails me, I have something to fall back on. Some of us have quarter life crisis ideas, I just happened to be one of them.

As far as live poker tournies are concerned, I finished 9th at the TOC III(tournament of champions) at the Big O. I know, not good at all, oh well, there's always next year! Anyways, as stated in the previous blog summary, I told everyone I would update them on our decision for Vegas, well, I now know I've made the right decision because of how I feel. I have to admit, the idea of Vegas made me a little nervous, now I'm feeling more comfortable.

Hope everybody has a good week! Until next time!! -Mike Allan


Anonymous said...


I was hoping you would take the Vegas route and become a dealer.
How cool and exciting ! ! !

Now you are just a boring student!


Michael Allan said...

i hate u rico ; )

RoccoBoxer said...

Congrats on the big win last week. $325 = pretty sweet.

Michael Allan said...

thanks man, except for the fact that i only got a 3rd of it haha, but, i figure it could have easily been me out of the game early and gotten lucky through henry or joel, its all good.